Day 79

IT'S OVER!! The art final is over! But I'll get to that in a minute :)

French went well today. We listened to a radio broadcast by l'abbé Pierre done in behalf of the homeless people in France (les sans-abri). It was really emotional, especially compared to the excerpts we usually listen to which include little to no emotion. I very much enjoyed listening to him. Then we went over subjunctive a little bit more for the test, which I am taking tomorrow morning. Should be exciting.

After that, we headed to the Louvre. Shaina and I walked around the rooms, reveiwing the different artists and styles. Then we went to meet with Valerie and the rest of the group. She sent Mike off to start his prep time and we just sat in anticipation for 15 minutes. Then we headed upstairs, to the very top floor. Mike gave his presentation, then Dan, etc Finally it came to me. While Haley did her presentation, Valerie gave me my painting and I went off to prepare for it. I got Portrait of Benoit-Agnès Trioson, called Ruehaus by Girodet. Lucky for me, Girodet was one of the artists that I didn't study haha But it worked out really well. I was so afraid of getting a portrait, but I really liked this one and I found a lot of things to talk about. Overall, I think it went much better than I expected and she seemed pleased, which I think is a good thing. You never know with these Frenchies ;) Then I watched the rest of the presentations. Everyone did a pretty good job. Yay class! I feel bad for those who still have to go on Monday. I am so glad it is over with. I would hate to have to stress about it over the weekend! Especially since I want to just have fun in Disneyland; I wouldn't want to stress during it :)

Après ca, I went to the Apple Store. While there I was able to see my sister Rachel on skype along with my nieces Abi and Kyara. It is Kyara's birthday today and she is getting so big! I am so excited to see them and everyone else in my family (that's in Utah, obviously) next Saturday. Wow, it has come so quickly. Anyway, I was able to play with Abi (with facial gestures) even though there is a 4000 mile gap between us. It was precious :) Even though it was kind of hard because I couldn't talk back to them, it was fun to see them for a little while!

Then I just came home. I seriously apologize for the lack of pictures. I know that my words are not quite so alluring as my pictures, but I don't know how to fix this problem I have with downloading pictures, so all y'all are going to have to deal with that :) Even though there are probably only 2 people that will read this part haha Anyway, I've just been studying for the French test, reading the Da Vinci Code, and watching Pocahontas on YouTube. I know these are things I could do in Utah, but it isn't like I can go out on the town alone when it is really late at night, you know? Well everyone, have a good night and remember your friend/sister/daughter/aunt/cousin/niece/acquaintance/friend of a friend who is in Paris :)


Emily Peterson said…
Congrats on being done with your art final!! Have a great last week in Paris (until you are there again anyway)! :o)
Alex said…
yay! I love how technology makes us able to communicate instantly despite thousands of miles in between us, my dads in spain right now, so I kind of know how you feel about being able to see them, even though he's only gone for a few days and you've been gone for like forever...
Rachel said…
It was great talking to you. I can't believe that we will be seeing you this saturday! Yeah!

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