Day 2 - Exploring Athens
Today has been a great day. I got a really good night's sleep. So good that when the guy at the desk called me at 7 instead of 8, I was ready to get up anyway. I got all ready, packed up my stuff, and then went down to breakfast. It was here that I met the other BYU girls. They all seem pretty nice. Then we went to church.
Hadrian's Arch.
Anyway, I wish we could have had a normal church day, but we watched the Sunday Afternoon session of conference. It was fine though, it's conference! It is the same one that we watched a couple weeks ago in Paris. But before we went off to watch it, there was a little opening. The bishopric member spoke in Greek, then in English. It was really interesting. Then we sang. In English, while the Greek members sang in Greek. English far overpowered the Greek. The reason for this is that our group doubled the ward that is already doubled by the amount of missionaries. It was interesting to me. Then we watched conference. It was great! Then we had a pot-luck with delicious food! Most of it was unfamiliar, but they did have funeral potatoes!
We also looked outside of the balcony at the church.
We went to a flea market first to look around. It was really cool. Then we just walked around. It is an awesome place. A modern(ish) city with random extremely old ruins! I'm surprised at how close the Acropolis is to the city. Anyway, then we (Camille - who is from the Paris ward and we randomly met up at church!, Shamra, and Claire) went to a park and just chillled and talked and relaxed in the sun. The park was beautiful! I am surprised at how much greenery is here in the city.
Then we went to Athen's First Cemetary. I love cemetaries. They are awesome.
Oh yeah, before I forget, I figured out my lock. The combo had switched to 923, which means I went through 924 combinations before getting there... It took some time, but I can use it now!