Day 67 - Lifelong dream=check!

Hanna, Courtney, and I got up early this morning. We headed to Victoria Coach Station and boarded a big "Evans Evans Tour" bus. The bus was packed with people so we sat in the very back. Our first destination was Windsor Castle. It was amazing!

That flag signifies that the Queen was in residence at that time. If it was the British Flag, then it means she is not there. I wish she would have come out and said hi :)

We took a tour inside the castle. First, we saw Queen Victoria's doll house. It was CRAZY! The rooms were perfectly detailed and the house was very large. It was so cool! No pictures could be taken of it, of course. Then we walked around the castle. There were hundreds of portraits along with thousands of weapons in very opulant rooms. You would think that after visiting Versailles twice, I would be used to seeing grandeur. Nope - it was still amazing!

Little kids having recess. Right next to a castle. Yeah.

Back to the bus. Two people ended up being left behind. I hope they figured something out!

Stonehenge was next on our tour. So I have been wanting to see Stonehenge since I was about five years old. No joke. I remember my sister Emily telling me about it and I thought it sounded so awesome! Learning more about it in Art History classes has only increased my desire to see it. And now I have! Incredible! I am so blessed.

Here are a bunch of pictures. No explanation necessary :)


What they believe it once looked like. They still aren't sure what it was meant for. It might have been a pagan temple, it might be a place for the dead. Who knows?

Then to Bath! While we were here we saw the Roman Hot Springs. They were very cool. I wanted to get in one of them because it was chilly outside, but the water was untreated so even touching it is forbidden!

Full of money! We had to contribute a few pence.
Hanna throwing her coin into the water :)

A city wouldn't be complete without a cathedral!

Then we headed back to the hotel. There were issues on the road, so it ended up taking several hours to get back. I got very car sick :( Not enjoyable. But we did get dropped off right by the hotel, so that was very nice!

After getting some food, we are now ready to go to bed!


Rachel said…
StoneHenge Does look amazing! It would be fun to see it one day. Could you not get cose to it. Is it fenced off?

The bath looked very interesting and dirty, very murky. The pool with all the coins looks cool with all the shinny coins I am guesing.

That's to bad that you got car sick, glad you got better though!:D

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