Day 50 - Classes et homework... C'est tout.

Like my frenglish? Or would it be engrench? Who knows... I just had French and Music today and both went well. Also, I was able to get the French CDs on my computer so I can do my listening homework (because even with good internet, it is really difficult to access BYU). Thanks again Garret! Then I went to the Ricks' and got my free roundtrip ticket with Eurostar! I'm all set to go to London at the end of March! (Also, I got my ticket over the phone so I talked with an employee from London and I ABSOLUTELY love English accents. Why don't we have more British boys in Utah?) Puis, I came back to my place and I've been working on French homework since then. I wrote a mini paragraph (en francais, bien sur) about a nightgown I had when I was a child. It was orange and silky and old :) At least two of my sisters went through it before me, I think. I loved it. I think one of my nieces has it now. Anyway, that's all for today.


Rachel said…
You've been gone for 50 days? really? That seems like so long. really? I can't wait to see you again. Miss you!
Madeleine said…
Ariel! IT is so cool that you're doing study abroad. How did you get into this program? I hope to get into BYU probably next year and this sounds like something i'd like to do.

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