Day 29 - Classes and Test

Today was fine. Another day with no pictures. Hopefully I will get some tomorrow. We shall see. French and Music were both good. Then I studied for French for 45 minutes or so. After our class gathered, we took the test. It wasn't too bad. I know that my teacher will laugh at several things I put down (not in a good way haha). One particular mistake that I realized I had made once I made it back to my place was when I conjugated something in the past tense when I really wanted future tense. Oh well. I did the best that I could at that moment and that's all anyone can ask for. After getting some things from Monoprix (where TWO people smiled at me :O I know, I couldn't believe it either), I headed back to my place. I finished working on the presentation that I am doing in art tomorrow. I hope all goes well with that. I'm not sure exactly what she wants but hopefully my presentation will be good. And I hope I can actually find the painting... And I also finished Remember Me. I really liked it! I'd recommend that to anyone who likes mild thrillers. Well, I guess that it all. À demain...


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