Day 20 - Church and Musée Rodin

Church was the same today as usual. I am really liking the English Sunday School. Kudos to those who want to practice their French in the Young Single Adult class, but I need spiritual enlightenment and I can’t get that when I don’t understand. You know? Anyway, we have 4 visitors today, which about doubled our class. They were from Orem and I think their last name was Fromme (the dad went to high school with a Mark Peterson at Springville and his dad knows Uncle Ferrus). Anybody know them?

After that, Haley, Hanna, Chelsea, Angela (after she changed her shoes), and I went to the Musée Rodin. On the first Sunday of every month, many of the museums are free and this was one of them.

I loved it.

Rodin is amazing. I already knew he was, but my belief has been confirmed tenfold. He is incredible. And he did hundreds of sculptures, most of which reside in this museum, which is where he used to live. Be prepared because there are many, many pictures coming your way (I took 284). They are better in person. If you ever have a chance to come to Paris, come here first.The Thinker, which is not in the Smithsonian, in case you thought it was.

The Gates of Hell. A.m.a.z.i.n.g.

The Burghers of Calais
Victor Hugo
The back of the museum
The trees in the garden area. It is beautiful and very calm.
One thing that I love about Rodin is that his sculptures aren’t perfect. I like their raw quality.
The Kiss
The Kiss up close
Eternal Springtime

Look at that lace!
Young mother and child
Brother and Sister
Hey, I'm in this picture :)
This was done by Rodin’s student/lover Camille Claudel. I was very pleasantly surprised to see this room dedicated to her sculptures.
The waltz. Oh I love it. I wish they had it set up better. In the pictures I’ve seen of it, you see the side view, but as it was set up in the museum, I had to squeeze into a corner in order to get this picture. Oh well, it is still amazing.
Tender :)
Van Gogh painting
Another Van Gogh
Look at that impasto!
I can't remember this artist, but I love this painting!
A view of the garden.

Munch (?) did this. He also did the Scream. A little bit different! :)
And to my delighted surprise, here comes a painting by Géricault.

That was the end of the Rodin Museum. I saw everything. I really love his work. I hope you do too. After that, we went to an Organ concert at Notre Dame. It was pretty cool, though a little quieter than I thought it would be. Anyway, that concluded my day :)


Alex said…
haha... I'm reading your blog and looking at all this art while I'm in an Art History class... :) how ironic... :) thanks for all the pictures, one day I will be there!
Ariel said…
I can't believe you aren't paying attention in your art history class :O But I'm glad I can show you so many amazing pictures! :)

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