Day 34 - Leiden

Leiden was our destination this morning as we went to the train station. This city is the birthplace of an artist named Rembrandt. I hope you've heard of him. He's a very prominent Dutch artist.

The museum on our plate today was the Stedelijk Museum. In this museum, we saw a bunch of Dutch artists placed inside of a Dutch house. It was lovely.

We were set off after that to do whatever we wanted in Leiden. We wandered for a while.
We went to the National Museum of Antiquities and stayed there for quite a while. It was a really cool place. We saw Egyptian art, Greek art, all sorts of art. Fun stuff.
We tried to go see the Botanical Gardens, but they were closed because some sort of wedding thing was going on.

Wandered around a bit more.

Finally we decided to go to this internet place. So we did that for a little bit, then got food and headed out of Leiden. We went to the Schipol grocery store and while there, I bought stroopwafels! They are so tasty and I love them! If you haven't heard of them, watch the Best Two Years :)

We went back to the hotel and chilled for a while. We watched Germany's Next Top Model and snippets of movies. And just talked. And thus ended the day.


Too bad the botanical gardens were closed, you could have enjoyed the wedding too, right?!

hey I just wanted to let you know, sometimes the word verification acts up and doesn't show the words, it's just blank but then I will try to publish my comment and then the word verification will work. Just thought I would let you know!
Ariel said…
Huh that's really strange. I don't know why it would do that.
smart alec said…
haha, priceless picture of Shamra. I miss good ol' Schipol airport

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