Day 10 - La Tour Eiffel

Can this be? I am posting something on the actual day that the events occured. Wow. No, really, I am very thankful that my computer and the internet have been working so well today. It is nice to be getting caught up.

Today we met at the Eiffel tower after lunch. It is pretty cool. Not going to lie, I still don't understand why it has become the symbol of Paris. I suppose because it is so large and hard to miss, but really? This isn't really what Paris is all about. But, it is still pretty cool.

After I took some serious pics, we had some fun. Hanna did a couple of cartwheels in the dirt. I love these pictures :) She looks like a rag doll here.
Here she looks a little scared or maybe she is singing. What do you think?Then a picture of our faces. Aren't we cute? I have four chins though...


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