Movie Reviews

If anyone is interested, I have created a blog where I will review movies. It is I thought since I watch movies all the time, I might as well review them so others will know about them!


You're funny! I'll enjoy reading your reviews...see if I agree with you! :)
Ariel said…
haha yeah. I don't know how often I'll update it, but it will be fun to be able to get the opinions I have about movies out though the written word. Let me know what you think :)
Did you make it so that others couldn't comment? Cause I tried to comment, and it didn't work!

And you changed your grading...are you grading on a curve than? Or did "Taken" turn in some late work that caused you to reconsider the grade? :)
Ariel said…
Well I changed some settings, so hopefully you can comment now. When I first started this blog, no one could comment. It is just a default setting to not allow comments, which I think is strange. Oh well.

Yes, I did change it. Are you teasing me? haha It's the first one, so grading it is hard because you don't have any other grades to compare it to, make sense? So I had thought over it and just changed my mind.

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