Books with Character

My Favorite Things #21/365

I love books with character. A book in perfect condition shows me a book that hasn't been read or properly loved. Not that I purposely demolish my books, but I don't mind when they get banged up a little.
The remote was the only thing I could think of to prop the book up...

I actually haven't read this book very much yet, but it already has character. I put it up on my bookshelf right after I got it and when I woke up the next morning, Oliver has dragged it off the shelf by the corner. It's a good thing I do like character or that would have made me really mad!


I believe that is the "Jacob Have I Loved" that I read! If not, my copy had some early signs that it would come to look like this copy!

I, too, love books with Character! It shows they are read and loved!
Ariel said…
This would be the book you read!
I also read that "Jacob have I loved" too! More than once too.

I have a question the book "The Golden Compass" didn't they make a movie out of it and isn't it about tring to kill god? Maybe I am wrong but I would never let my kids watch that movie because I was under that impression...
Ariel said…
Okay. The first book/movie has nothing to do with killing God, but the second and third books do, which is where the controversy sprang from. People just don't understand. The first book, though not fabulous, is a fine book to read. I started reading the second one, but I am not going to finish because it starts getting into that issue and it's just dumb. And that's that :)
Sara said…
I have read that copy of "Jacob Have I Loved" too. Great book!!!

We watched "The Golden Compass" and thought it was a good movie. Not one that we plan on buying, but not a waste of $1 (or a free movie code) at redbox.

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