
My Favorite Things #36/365

Plasma is a great way, for me at least, to earn money. For those of you who don't know (which I pretty sure everyone does, but that's okay) how it works, I will explain. First, I sign in. Then I wait in the lobby area for maybe 45 minutes to an hour (if it's really busy). Then they call me into a booth. They do some tests (weight, blood pressure, pulse, temperature, hematocrit, and protein) and if you are good on all those, they ask you the questions (Have you read the AIDS bulletin? Have you had close contact with hepatitis? etc). Then you wait for anywhere between 10-20 minutes to be called to the back. A phlebotomist will then prep you and stick you. It doesn't hurt too bad. Plus, you get used to it quickly. I think so anyway. Then you sit there while your blood is drawn and centrifuged. The red blood cells are returned to you and the plasma goes into a clear cylindrical container. It takes me around 45-50 minutes to do this. So overall, it takes around two hours to do the whole process. The first time of the weekthat you donate you get $25 and the second time you get $30. Not bad for just sitting/laying there watching a movie.

PS If anyone happens to read my blog that lives anywhere near(ish) orem, let me know if you are interested in donating plasma. I will let you know the details. And I'll get an extra $20 if you donate a least twice. So do it because it does actually save lives. And you get money for it :)


Plasma was a great way to earn $$ and help others at the same time. Plus, you get a scar that will last forever! :)
Is that roll from the very first time you ever donated plasma? I love the different colors! I need to donate but it is so far away it would be three hours or more from when I left home to when I got back, thats a long time!
Sara said…
Sean and I both have our own rolls, just like that!

I am so glad that our center does appointments. I don't think I would be able to donate if there weren't appointments. I also love how our center has the free child care! We don't get paid as much ($20 first and $30 second time in the week, and they got rid of referral bonuses), but I think we have a pretty good trade off for the things we do get.

Oh, ya... we don't get movies on the donor floor either. But, they do allow us to bring in laptops, and use cell phones, or bring anything else we need to stay awake...(books, homework, etc.)

For the time spent at the center... we do get paid pretty good! Ü
Sarah Jane said…
Just make sure you don't keep doing it throughout your life. My roommate's dad is a doctor and was telling us about how if you continue to donate plasma for a long time then you're at a high risk for leukemia because you're constantly weakening your system. But if you do it for a year you should be fine.
Ariel said…
April: I think so too! I'm proud of my scar :)

Steph: No worries. It's a great thing when it is convenient. If you have to go too far out of your way, it stops being worth it. And yes, I started collecting them since the very first time I donated.

Sara: I think that your plasma place is great! The appointment thing would be really nice, but sitting in the waiting room gives me time to work on homework in a different place than my apartment. I think that your plasma place is perfect for you and mine is perfect for me!

Sarah: Hmm I had no idea. My parents donated for quite some time and no leukemia there. That has me worried now... Well I'm stopping in January because I am going to France! So hopefully I don't get leukemia.
Sara said…
Ariel, I would look more into the truth about donating plasma possibly causing leukemia. You are essentially donating the 'water' in your blood, and I don't see how that weakens your system. I have been doing searches on the internet, and nothing has come up to confirm the link between donating plasma and leukemia. And for it to be THAT SERIOUS, I would imagine there would be a lot of stories on the internet. You know? Anyway, not to discredit Sarah Jane's roommates dad, but just like anything else, you should research it and find out for yourself if it is true. Ü

Mom and Dad did do it for I think at least 7 years. And they have had no bad side effects.
Ariel said…
Yeah I see what you mean. I'm not too worried about it. I'll still continue to do it when I get back from France! I honestly love to donate plasma!

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