Plasma today

So I knew I had a busy day ahead of me so I decided to do plasma in the morning. I got up at 6 am (well 5:30 because my mind likes to wake me up before I actually planned to get up...), got ready, and headed to PCCI. It was a little slow, but I finally got called into the booth for screening. There were some changes to the AIDS bulletin so I was asked a few questions (the ones they ask you when you are a new donor). I finished that and right as I was about to sign it, the lights went out. The girl screening me told me to go out and sit down until they figured it out. Well it turns out the whole block is out, even the main street-lights by the mall (glad I wasn't a part of that mess).

Luckily, no one had been poked yet. One guy was in the back and was 2 seconds away from being poked when the lights went out. The reason for them being slow this morning was because it was too cold in the building to get everything started. If it had been warm enough, several people might have been stuck already. If this had been the case, they would have been taken off and discharged for 8 weeks because their blood wouldn't have been able to get returned. And that would not have been much fun for them. So it was a blessing in disguise that it was cold this morning, at least for those people.

Anyway, I waited and waited and waited. But they said that the lights probably wouldn't be on until 10:30 (it was 8:00 at the time), which means that they wouldn't get started until 11. Seeing as I had class at 11, this was not going to work out for me. So I left, with a card that will give me $10 extra the next time I come in to donate. Not too bad, I guess, for just sitting there for about an hour.

So that was my adventure at plasma today :) If anyone finds out what happened that caused the power outage, let me know!


What an ordeal! It is good that no one got poked that would have not been good to have to be discharged for the 8 weeks!
Emily Peterson said…
The power outage may have had something to do with last night's storm. The storm hit south Orem pretty hard at about 12:30 am last night (lots of wind, small hail, etc. - it woke me up!). I had power this morning, so the outage didn't extend to my side of the mall. That's nice that you will get an extra $10 next time. :o)
Ariel said…
I know! I would hate to be discharged. That is a loss of $440!! That is a lot of money!

Yeah that sounds like that storm would have been it. I hope they got it fixed up and that it doesn't happen again! Even though the $10 extra isn't too bad :)
Plasma Drama! That's pretty cool about the extra ten bucks.
Sara said…
What a blessing in disguise the it took them a while to get things started! I am glad no one had to lose out on 8 weeks of donating!

What a crazy morning!

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